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Felix Test Client

| 1 minute read

Law Firm Content Marketing: Making it Easier and More Effective

Content marketing has been a part of the legal profession since its inception. However, with the move to digital channels, the way law firms approach content marketing has changed. The four core pillars of content marketing for law firms are to make it easy for your lawyers to create content, make approval of the content easy, get it read by all the right people, and give feedback to the authors.

To make it easier for lawyers to create content, firms can make use of tools such as Passle that allow lawyers to quickly and easily share their knowledge and expertise. This ensures that the content is of high quality and is written by those with the right expertise. Additionally, the approval process should be streamlined to ensure that the content is properly vetted before it is published.

Once the content is created and approved, it must then be shared with the right people. This can be done through social media, email marketing, and other digital channels. Additionally, firms should use analytics to measure the success of their content marketing efforts and use the data to adjust their strategy accordingly.

Finally, firms should give feedback to the authors of their content. This will help them to understand what types of content are resonating with their audience and how they can further improve their content creation.

Overall, content marketing is a critical part of the legal profession and firms need to ensure that they are making it easier and more effective. By following the four core pillars of content marketing, law firms can ensure that their content is engaging and resonates with their audience.

Law firm content marketing is about much more than publishing a few blog posts or updating a status on social media. Content marketing can take many forms and bring a wide range of benefits for law firms.